Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This is handy! Really handy! It's 11:00pm and I'm in the computer centre. I have to give my project presentation tomorrow at 10:00am. This presentation is to convince "the panel" that I am on top of my work with my project, that I'm going to complete by the deadline, and that my project shouldn't be demoted to a half unit one.
So, why am I in the computer centre? Because my computer has decided that tonight would be a good night to die!
This is going to be fun!

Monday, December 04, 2006


Well, after a highly unproductive weekend which seems to have vanished into nothing, followed by a successful Young Enterprise sales today and Friday, I am now faced with the task of completing a mountain of work, the majority of which is due this week. I have to hand in/present/do the following:
Monday whenever I get it done - Young Enterprise Posters
Tuesday 9:00 - French Written Coursework
Tuesday 12:00 - Weekly Meeting with my Project Supervisor
Tuesday 16:00-17:00 - Man Young Enterprise Stall
Tuesday 19:00 - Photography Society
Wednesday 10:00 - Project Presentation
Wednesday 20:00 - Karate
Thursday 9:00 - French Oral Presentation
Thursday ~14:00 - Computational Optimisation Coursework
Friday - Wander round the Art/PhotoSoc Exhibition and look at my photos

Next Thursday I also have a piece of Compilers Coursework to hand in and at some point I also have to write a letter to France to try to get out of paying the council tax they're charging me for (€266 - more on that when I've got time!).

This is going to be fun!

(Oh, and I've run out of milk for coffee!)