Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Joke

Saw this today and thought I'd share it with you:

Q. How many grandmothers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. None. You go out and enjoy yourself. I'll just sit here in the dark.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Courses, a late night, snow and some sheds

It's been a long time since my last post, the week before last was long and tiring. Last week was better but there's quite a lot to do at work.
The week before last didn't start well so I kind of ended up more and more tired as the week went on. From Wednesday to Friday there was a course on Information Systems Management held at the company University campus. They hold all their courses and events there but it's at Jouay en Josas which is between Paris and Versailles. Unfortunately that meant that I had to get up around 6, catch a tram round the outside of Paris, then catch a lift with my friend at work to arrive at 9 on the first day and 8:30 on Thursday and Friday. The days were filled with lectures on various topics (thankfully all in English as there were people from the UK, the Netherlands, and other countries). In the evening, at 7:00pm, there was a dinner which was nice (although I ended up having the same three course meal twice on Wednesday) but meant we didn't leave until 9:30, which meant getting back after 10:30.....and getting very tired. On Wednesday I had a meeting between me, my boss and some people from the University about the Convention which will be held in January (meaning we ate in the posh bit rather than the main canteen, hence 2, three course meals (unfortunately the same) in one day).
The course was quite good and I found the workshops interesting.
On Sunday I went out to the Frog and Rosbif which is an English pub (part of a chain) where they brew their own beer. There was a quiz on and we didn't come last! The beer was quite good too but I probably won't be going tonight as I'm running out of money for this month.

Last week was spent hassling people. For the convention in January I'm meant to be helping orgainsing who is coming (in terms of invitations rather than presenters) and making sure everyone doing a demo will have equipment (PC's, network access, ...) available on the day. I've been trying to get lists of participants back from the various division leaders of the company but it seems to be taking a while. I've got most of them but I'm still missing a few.
My boss also asked to speak to me about some things for the convention and for me to give him all the things I need him to validate so I took along a pile of paper.
It annoys me that no-one seems to actually require me to do anything. I mean I have things to do but it is not asked for unless it is a translation or something. I'm meant to produce newsletters but due to the time it takes for people to get back to me the one for November will be finished before the one for September! It's not because I've just sent one email and left it at that either, but then again I don't want people to see an email from me and think, "Oh great, what does he want this time?".

On Thursday I was asked by the girl from work if I wanted to come to a lecture being held at her university about IT stuff (I do Computer Science with French at uni in England for those of you who don't know). I figured it might be interesting and had nothing else planned so I went along. Afterwards there were drinks and then we went for a meal not far from rue Oberkampf. It was quite good but I must admit I found it a bit difficult to keep up with what was being said at dinner due to all the background babble.

Friday night I went out to Oberkampf again with some people from my building and met some more of their friends from uni. We went back to the same place as I'd been on Thursday night as I'd seen some pool tables there and we didn't know anywhere else. It turned out that pool was 12€€ per hour which was a bit steep, but we still had a good night. The people from my building went back about midnight but I stayed on with the others and ended up getting home about 4am.
Waking up at 1:30 in the afternoon and seeing snow is quite confusing. It has been really cold here recently. When I was on the course we came out to the car park in the evening and the windows of all the cars were iced up. The snow was fairly light and turned to slush by the evening.

About 2 weeks ago some sheds arrived at La Defense which seemed a little odd at first. Anyhow, it turns out they're putting up a Christmas Market which opens next Friday I think. I'm going to spend today doing all the things I should have got round to like applying for a travel pass, making a list of things to see, .... oh, and as it's Sunday, washing as well.

I read this article recently which shows the perils of smoking, or perhaps of being a French smoker....

Sunday, November 13, 2005

French Humour

Just came across this page talking about comedy in France (the site investigates comedy in other nationalities).
It kind of explains some things, especially the line "diverting him from the national desire for effortless existence".


Saturday, November 12, 2005

It costs exactly €23 to look this good

Just as the sun rises and sets, I knew this day would come. It was inevitable. Yes, that's right folks; It was time for a haircut!
I've had this irrational fear since before I arrived of going to get my hair cut and coming out bald. I'm in no way a style freak or anything but obviously didn't want to come out looking stupid after asking for the the wrong grade with the clippers.
Actually this was quite close as I normally have a grade 3 but that's a 12 over here.
As you can see it didn't turn out too bad but as I just went to the busiest of the 2 places nearby (if its busy, it can't be bad) I ended up paying about twice as much as in the UK and they insist on washing your hair (not a bad thing I guess, just a bit pointless). And before you make any remarks about going to a women's hairdressers, there were 2 other guys there (and one of them had a kid so no remarks about them driving a Micra!).
You see the trouble's of living abroad? I think I'll try and find a barber's like at home next time.

The company has a DVD library and I was recommended a film called "La Grande Vadrouille" as it's a typical French film. It's a comedy about some British airmen who get shot down over Paris and then some French people help them get to unoccupied France. It's very funny and easy to follow so if anyone else on their year abroad is reading this then I recommend you watch it.

That's all for now.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Culture, tramps and crazy French deals

Ok, it's been a lot longer since my last post than I meant to leave it.
Last weekend was quite busy. I didn't do everything I'd planned but that's probably a good thing as I tend to find museums/galleries quite tiring. I think it's the slow pace you have to walk at.

Friday night I went out to Bastille with the guy from uni who lives on my corridor, a girl form upstairs and her friend. We had quite a good night, went to a couple of bars, but I think it might have been better with more people to be honest.
Saturday I went to the Centre Georges Pompidou. It's a big building not far from Les Halles and Chatelet. All the pipes, lifts and the main escalator are on the outside of the building so it's quite unusual to look at. The view from the main escalator up to the 5th floor is incredible. You're above the roofline of Paris but because you're not too high, you can really get a feel for the different heights of the city. Inside there are several exhibitions which change throughout the year. In many ways it is similar to the Tate Modern. The temporary exhibition was on Dada, an art movement that started in Zurich in 1916. There was also another small exhibition to do with shadows. Click here for a picture (and the website).

On Sunday I went to Père Lachaise. This is, essentially, a big cemetery where lots of famous people are buried. Although touristy, it's still quite peaceful and it's not over-run with people. I saw the tombs of Oscar Wilde, Jimmy Morrisson and 2 hot air balloonists who went too high and ran out of air.
Afterwards I walked to Chatelet where I'd planned to meet a friend from uni and we were going to watch Corpse Bride (in English). I decided to walk because A. I was running out of Metro tickets, and B. I wanted to see what sort of life there was in the area, whether there were lots of bars or other places to come to at night. When I got to Place de la Republique I stopped for a McDonalds (very French I know). It was only about 5 or 6 but it was getting dark. On my way out some homeless man started asking me for a cigarette (in English). I told him I didn't smoke and carried on. He then started asking me for some change but I said no and carried on (I'm all for helping the poor but don't see the point if the first thing they ask for is a cigarette, plus I had no change anyway). At that point he said he was going to follow me. Great, just what I need; I'm alone, in an area I don't know in Paris and it's getting dark. I stopped and told him I wasn't going to give him anything as he was hassling me. He went away but it was pretty annoying.
Corpse Bride was quite good, after we'd managed to find each other. Les Halles, where the cinema is, is a big place with a lot of entrances.

Monday I didn't do anything really. I didn't go to the Social Security as I wanted to wait until I got my payslip which has a temporary number on it.

Tuesday I spent the day at the Musée D'Orsay. I'm definitely not an art expert but I did enjoy going round. It is very long though and there's a lot to see. That's also partly why I didn't go to the Louvre.

The rest of the week went quite well, I got some work done and am going to be involved with organising a convention which is in the new year.
Yesterday I went shopping and bought a mobile phone (well 2 actually; they had a deal on where you could buy one pay as you go phone on Orange for €59 or pay €10 more and get another one. it seemed silly not to get 2, I can always sell the 2nd) and a load of food. In the evening I went to see "Combien tu m'aimes?".

Right, it's Sunday which unforunately means washing so I'd better go now :-/